About us

Aafaq Asia Store


Aafaq Asia Store is one of the services of the Aafaq Asia Corporation, which is officially registered with the Ministry of Trade and Industry in the Sultanate of Oman with a commercial registration number (1239328).

Why choose us?

- Competitive prices and various products.

- Various, safe and easy payment methods.

- Purchasing points for every shopping!

- Ship to your address in a short time.

- We ship to all Arab Gulf countries.

Connect with us:

We hope you spend a fun and useful time between the pages of our store, and we are happy to serve you if you have questions via Contact Us.

Notice: We inform you that all rights to graphical and written logos and all product images are the property of Aafaq Asia Corporation, and we do not authorize their use for commercial purposes without a letter of approval from Aafaq Asia Corporation.

Best regards ,,

Aafaq Asia Team